Membership Benefits
Shelby County Chamber
We appreciate your interest in becoming a member of the Shelby County Chamber of Commerce. Chamber members have access to many opportunities and resources that the Chamber has to offer.
We hope that the below information will encourage you to become a member but we always welcome a phone call or visit to our office to meet in person and discuss how the chamber can help your business.
Chamber members have many opportunities to make an impact and lead the change for the future of our community. Together we develop ideas and initiate actions that are aimed at promoting business and economic development and improving the quality of life for the benefit of our community.

Our members understand that when their business prospers, the local community benefits – and when the overall business climate improves, so does their business.
Many of our members lend their time, talents and resources to tackle important business and community development issues that impact the future of our community.
Also, many of our members volunteer their time, talents and resources to our community events and activities in order to improve the quality of life here in Shelby County.
There are the long term benefits to being a Chamber member. Here are few ways New Members get their name out FAST!
- Directory Listing – you will be listed in the online Chamber directory immediately
- You will be listed on our homepage as a “New Member”
- Have something to share? we will help you share and the get word out
- There will be networking opportunities that will help you build strong relationships to foster partnerships and growth for your business
- There will be referrals to your business and increased visibility
- We will brag about you on our e-newsletter and social media outlets.
The Chamber also offers to members:
- Job Postings
- Events Postings
- Business Resources
- Mailing Labels
- Special Promotions for Members Only
Shelby County Chamber
Build friendships and partnerships that support each member and become an integral part of Shelby County’s success.
Collaborate with the Chamber and business owners to learn about how we can help each other.
Partner with local business leaders from the community.
Work directly with the Chamber to build your name within the community.
Build relationships that work with each other to promote member businesses.
Gain more exposure for your business.
Shelby County Chamber
Membership Dues
1-5 EmployeesBusiness
6-20 EmployeesBusiness
21-40 EmployeesBusiness
41+ EmployeesIndividuals
Under 65Individuals
65 or olderShelby County Chamber
Thank you!
Join the Chamber and become an integral part of helping Shelby County thrive.
We look forward to giving your business that personal touch and exposure that only can come from being a part of the community and…
The Shelby County Chamber of Commerce.